Horace MABLEY -- to -- Lilian May MABLEY
Lily Louisa MABLEY -- to -- Richard MABLEY
Richard MABLEY -- to -- Walter MABLEY
William MABLEY -- to -- Ada MAPLEY
Ada Louise MAPLEY -- to -- Andrew MAPLEY
Andrew MAPLEY -- to -- Arthur MAPLEY
Arthur Albert MAPLEY -- to -- Brett MAPLEY
Brian D MAPLEY -- to -- Charles Harbin MAPLEY
Charles Henry MAPLEY -- to -- David Alfred MAPLEY
David Allen MAPLEY -- to -- Doris L MAPLEY
Doris Lydia MAPLEY -- to -- Elizabeth MAPLEY
Elizabeth A MAPLEY -- to -- Eric Desmond MAPLEY
Eric Frederick MAPLEY -- to -- Gail MAPLEY
Gareth Otis MAPLEY -- to -- Gertrude Louisa MAPLEY
Gertrude Mary MAPLEY -- to -- Hazel MAPLEY
Helen Elizabeth MAPLEY -- to -- Ishmael MAPLEY
Ivy Nellie MAPLEY -- to -- Jerry A MAPLEY
Jessica MAPLEY -- to -- Jonathan MAPLEY
Jonathan MAPLEY -- to -- Kenneth J MAPLEY
Kenneth J MAPLEY -- to -- Lorraine Margaret MAPLEY
Louisa MAPLEY -- to -- Mary Ann MAPLEY
Mary Ann MAPLEY -- to -- Mildred Catherine MAPLEY
Mindy Leigh MAPLEY -- to -- Paul Herbert MAPLEY
Paul S MAPLEY -- to -- Richard Charles MAPLEY
Richard Claire MAPLEY -- to -- Ruth MAPLEY
UP (Alberta - James Michael ZANONI )
BACK (Alberta - Herbert C(harles) MABLEY )
NEXT (Sally MAPLEY - James Michael ZANONI )